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Septic System Care
Septic System Care
If you want to preserve your investment in your septic system and you want to avoid costly repairs, you'll want to take the steps to keep your septic system running properly as well as clean. Maintaining a septic system properly can save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary repairs and even a full replacement. This is why we offer regular septic system pumping, inspections as well as septic repairs. Understanding your septic system and how it needs to be cared for is important.
The basics of a septic system
Understanding the basics of how your septic system does its job is important.
In short, all the water from your various plumbing fixtures as well as other waste items leave your home through one main drainpipe. Once it goes through that pipe it enters your septic tank which is a watertight container installed by a professional. A properly working septic system allows solids to settle down at the bottom of the tank and oil and fats make their way to the top. Baffle compartments in your septic tank prevent the top fats and grease that is built up from entering the leaching field or drainfield. Fats, grease and sludge only get removed by pumping.
Liquid wastewater (effluent) leaves the tank, making its way into the leaching field where it finally distributes into the soil where naturally occurring microorganisms remove harmful bacteria. If there is a clog in your leaching field, that's when you could see puddles of water on your property.
What's the best way to maintain my septic system?
There are a number of ways in which you can preserve the life of your septic system and keep it operating efficiently. The first and easiest is to schedule your septic system pumping with us. We recommend having it pumped every two years, but if there has been heavy usage, you may want to do that sooner. Pumping is the most reliable way to keep your system operating.
Be careful what you put down the drain
The EPA has a saying and it's called think at the sink. There are many items that you should not put down any drain in your home if you are using a septic system. The most important reason is because certain organisms live in various liquids and those items can harm those organisms and costs thousands of dollars in damage.
Some of these items that should not go down the drain are oil-based paints, paint thinner, cleaning fluids or latex paint. You should also be careful and reduce the amount of fats and other greases that you put down the drain in your kitchen. These can clog up your pipes and the result will be your system not operating properly.
Do not flush these items down the toilet
There are a number of items that should not be placed in your toilet. Again, doing so is only going to clog your septic system and cost you unnecessary money in costly repairs. These items include:
Feminine hygiene products
Flushable baby wipes or makeup removers
Cigarettes or cigars
Coffee grounds
Cat litter
Paper towels
Use plumbing and water consumption wisely
We get it, you have a house to run and there are all types of activities that require water in your home. But you need to consider using any appliance that utilizes water wisely. Make sure you're running a full dishwasher and try not to run it when other things are happening such as the morning showers. The same goes for washing clothes.
Other preventive measures include repairing any leaky plumbing such as toilets, pipes or sinks. And consider using high efficiency toilets and other plumbing fixtures.
Protect your fields
To protect your leaching or drain fields, make sure you're not building anything on top of that or parking automobiles on it if at all possible.
Never plant trees or shrubs on top of your drainfields. If you do want to enhance your property, make sure you plant these far away because root systems will grow.
Four reasons to maintain your septic system properly
The first and probably most important to you is that if you do not maintain your septic system properly, it could cost you thousands of dollars in unnecessary repairs. Pumping your system and having regular inspections will keep your system running properly. Also, if your septic system fails that can get in the way of living your daily life because you may not be able to shower, wash dishes or flush toilets.
Maintaining your septic system also protects the value of your home and property. If you ever need to sell your home, a properly maintained septic system will add value to your home.
Having a septic system properly maintained will keep the water clean and safe for you and your family. A failed septic system can contaminate your property and those of your neighbors.
Properly maintained septic systems also preserve your local environment by keeping harmful bacteria out of the ecosystem.